Thursday, June 16, 2011


I should start by saying this is my first official blog and it will be a learning experience with the blog hopefully evolving to meet the interests of the readers. In the future I hope to have multiple authors contributing relevant content. Feedback, comments, as well as content ideas and requests are all appreciated. To provide some background here are the primary reasons for starting this blog:

1. I'm designing/building a tiny home on wheels and want to chronicle the process for friends, family and other interested parties. Ideally, this site will also be a platform where other tiny home/sustainable structure enthusiasts can communicate and collaborate.

2. In addition to tiny homes and sustainable structures, this site will include ideas and resources that help provide “shelter from the storm”. That could be anything from DIY videos, to a look at beekeeping best practices, or a detailed discussion of optimum foods to bring on extended backcountry trips. I'm certainly not an expert in every area and hope to hear from others and to facilitate online discussions.

3. This site is also an opportunity for me (and hopefully others in the future) to experiment with blogs and other related Web 2.0 technologies.

Again, I welcome feedback, comments and ideas.

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